Parenting Classes for Caregivers

Information for Facilitators

Provider Agencies

Information for Caregivers

  • We help local nonprofit and civil service providers deliver free, easily-accessible evidence-based parenting interventions. Currently, the PTI coordinates the training, implementation, and evaluation of Triple P Parenting (Positive Parenting Program), an evidence-based parenting intervention.
  • We identify and champion “practice-based evidence” within organizations whose locally-developed parenting programs achieve comparable outcomes to evidence-based curricula.
  • The PTI is committed to providing San Franciso’s families with parenting supports that are accessible, respectful, and helpful. To ensure that all parents attending Triple P classes are aware of the supports available to them (such as free childcare and transportation), a 1-page PTI Promise to Parents is given to each parent at the first class session.

What is Triple P?
The Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is an evidence-based parenting program used in more than 30 countries and has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups, and in diverse family structures.
Triple P aims to create supportive family environments, and to address and prevent behavioral and emotional challenges in children and teenagers.

Triple P achieves this by supporting parents in implementing 6 core principles:

    • Ensuring a safe, engaging environment for the child
    • Promoting a positive learning environment
    • Using assertive discipline
    • Maintaining reasonable expectations
    • Taking care of oneself as a parent
    • Children who grow up with positive parenting are likely to develop the skills they need to do well at schoolwork, build friendships and feel good about themselves.


Click here to read our Annual Outcomes Reports.

The PTI is able to provide these services free of charge to local organizations through the financial support of the following funding agencies:


What is PTI (Parent Training Institute)?

About us
The Parent Training Institute first began supporting San Francisco’s Family Resource Network in providing Triple P free to families in 2009. The program was designed for all parents and is intended to build parent confidence and competence with their parenting.

This website provides information and free resources for agencies and practitioners delivering evidence-based parenting, and for families looking for parenting support.

About Triple P

For more information about the Triple P program, please see Triple P America’s website here. For information about finding a free Triple P class in San Francisco, please click here

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